Tips for Fall Gardening
One of my pleasures in life has always been feeling good about coming home. Currently I pull into my garage from the alley so I get to walk into my back yard. It makes me smile year round because my husband has painted it some great colors and always keeps the grass and plants healthy. I am showing here a backyard of my friend who bought this house for the backyard.

- Check your hardiness zone which will help you narrow down your choices to trees that can survive winters.
- The size of the planting area is critical when choosing a tree
- How would you like new tree to contribute to your landscape?
- The most valuable trees are often integral elements of outdoor living spaces.
- How will your tree contribute to the winter landscape?
- Highlight Your Front Door. …
- Clean Up the Exterior. …
- Clear Out All Gutters. …
- Add Outdoor Lighting. …
So what’s your style preference
There are many styles to choose from when you decide to design your front and back yards. It’s a good idea to consider the style of your home before you go crazy and plan a Japanese garden for a Tudor style two story. Listed here are some ideas. St Louisans have resources a plenty for rain gardens. Rain gardens have great benefits for homeowners. They reduce the potential for basement flooding, they are attractive year round and they are very easy to maintain. MSD has a grant for homeowners to help fund and design rain gardens. Click here for more information. This rain garden was installed on a grant from MSD. The owner put it on the market this year and it just kept on blooming.